Graduation and Convocation are a great time of celebration for the University of Calgary, graduates, their families and friends. The University of Calgary community recognizes the students' hard work, perseverance and dedication of students and gathers in Qatar each year to award graduates their degrees.
Graduation Requirements
In order to qualify for graduation, you must complete all of your program requirements in good academic standing.
Minimum GPA for graduation:
Years 1-2: 2.00 / Years 3-4: 2.50
Cumulative GPA of 2.50 at the end of the program
Cumulative GPA of 3.00
Course-Based students will also need to complete a final comprehensive examination.
Thesis-based students will also need to complete their thesis and successfully pass a final thesis oral examination. See for thesis guidelines.
Degrees "with Distinction"
The notation “with Distinction” will be inscribed on the transcript and graduation parchment of all BN students whose GPA is 3.60 or better with no grades of C- or lower in their most recent 60 credits taken at the University of Calgary in Qatar, and of all Post-Diploma route students who have completed all course work for the degree at the University of Calgary in Qatar with a GPA of 3.60 or better ,with no grade less than “C-“.
Students who have taken part of their course work at another institution or who have transferred into the Faculty with fewer than 60 units remaining to be completed for BN requirements may be granted a degree with distinction at the discretion of the Faculty.
The Notation “with distinction” will not be granted if a student obtains “D”, “D+”, or “F” grade in a Nursing Theory course or an “F” grade in a Nursing Practice course which has been completed during the time period in which the last 60 units have been taken.
Graduating Awards
Medals presented at convocation are among the most prestigious of university awards. It is the intention of the University of Calgary to uphold the standards of these medals as they reflect the highest academic distinction that a student can aspire to in a particular discipline.
A Gold Medal is awarded to the student graduating from the BNRT program with the highest distinction
A Silver Medallion is awarded to the student graduating from the PDBN program with the highest distinction. GPA is comprised of the following courses: NURS 411, NURS 421, NURS 441, NURS 531, NURS 533, NURS 537, NURS 539, and NURS 543
No Application is required. Medals are based entirely on Academic Standing.
The Graduate's Pledge
The following describes the Graduate's Pledge by order of rank. Please click on each title to view the pledge.
Eminent Chancellor and President, on behalf of the faculties of the university, I present these graduands and those named in the Convocation Program who are not at this ceremony. I ask that they be pledged and admitted to the University of Calgary degrees that they have earned.
As a graduate of this university you join a worldwide kinship of educated persons who have earned opportunities and responsibilities of leadership and service in their chosen communities.
To recognize this affinity, we invite each graduand to stand and join with the thousands who have gone before in making the University of Calgary Graduate's Pledge.
The Pledge is not an oath but is a solemn expression of your intention to apply your learning and experience positively for the widest benefit.
I invite all past graduates of the University of Calgary to support these newest U of C alumni by also standing and affirming a graduate's obligations and ideals.
All past graduates of the university are invited to rise.
Let us make the pledge together with sincerity and respect:
As a graduate of the University of Calgary, wherever my life may take me, I will use my knowledge, experience and skills to the best of my ability for the well-being of my communities and for the advancement of learning and the public good.
I will conduct myself with honesty and integrity, taking responsibility for my actions and respecting the rights, opinions and dignity of all peoples.
I will maintain my competency and keep abreast of developments in my chosen fields.
I will strive to better my communities through good citizenship and active participation.
I will be a loyal ambassador for my university and will seek to promote its welfare and maintain its reputation.
I will honour all who have shared their knowledge with me and will in my turn share my knowledge and experience with those who enter my field or come under my direction.
In all my dealings, I will endeavour to be known as a person of honour and repute, ever seeking to earn the peace of good conscience.
This is my pledge.
By the authority of the Statutes of Alberta and upon the recommendation of our faculties, I admit you to the University of Calgary degrees you have earned and grant you the rights and privileges, powers and responsibilities pertaining to those degrees.
Convocation videos
You can re-live the excitement and pageantry of our past Convocation Ceremonies from their recordings below.